I. Implementation of Strategic Plan
a. The district will develop and implement strategies to support the
Strategic Plan with a focus on Academic Excellence, Student
Experience and Community Connections.
b. The district will provide the Board of Education quarterly reports on the
progress of the Strategic Plan.
II. Fiscal Planning
a. The district will update the 5-year financial outlook.
b. The district will evaluate the Energy Performance Contract.
c. The district will review the structure of the cafeteria program.
III. Facilities
a. The district will update the 5-year Facility Plan.
b. The district will evaluate the possibility of including additional air circulation units and air conditioning into future bond projects.
IV. Board of Education
a. The Board will complete an annual self-evaluation.
b. The Board will conduct an annual retreat.
c. The Board will increase opportunities for the community to engage in conversation with Board members.
d. The Board will update the Board of Education manual for new