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Board of Education Committees

Committees of the Board of Education

These committees are appointed by the Board of Education each year during the reorganizational meeting at the first Board of Education meeting in July.

Audit Committee

Audit Committee
 - Jean Stapf
 - Amie Fredericks
 - Fred Couse

The responsibilities of the Audit Committee include the following:

  1. a) Provide recommendations regarding the appointment of the External (Independent) Auditor for the District;
  2. b)  Meet with the External (Independent) Auditor prior to commencement of the audit;
  3. c)  Review and discuss with the External (Independent) Auditor any risk assessment of the District's fiscal operations developed as part of the Auditor's responsibilities under governmental auditing standards for a financial statement audit and federal single audit standards if applicable;
  4. d)  Receive and review the draft annual audit report and accompanying draft management letter and, working directly with the External (Independent) Auditor, assist the Board of Education in interpreting such documents;
  5. e) Make a recommendation to the Board on accepting the annual audit report; and
  6. f)  Review every corrective action plan developed by the School District and assist the Board in its implementation.

Additional responsibilities of the Audit Committee include: assisting in the oversight of the Internal Audit Function including, but not limited to, providing recommendations regarding the appointment of the Internal Auditor; reviewing significant findings and recommendations of the Internal Auditor; monitoring the School District's implementation of such recommendations; and evaluating the performance of the Internal Audit Function.

Compensation Committee

Compensation Committee
 - Amie Fredericks
 - Fred Couse
 - Jean Stapf

Each and every year, the Board of Education has the responsibility to review and, if appropriate, adjust the compensation packages of those District employees not covered by Collective Bargaining Agreements. Likewise, it has been common in the District’s history for contracts with its Superintendent to contain clauses tying any compensation adjustments to the Board’s yearly review of the Superintendent. And, lastly, from time to time, The District finds itself with the need to create new non-teaching positions or to fill vacancies in key Administrative positions.

The purpose of the Board’s Compensation Committee is to provide a researched, informed opinion to the full Board of Education as to compensation ranges that it feels are appropriate for each of these conditions. While it is normal for the Superintendent to make recommendations to the Board, the Committee’s own research and opinion offer the Board a “second opinion” Taking into account a broad range of factors it feels appropriate.

Policy Committee

Policy Committee
 - Heidi Johnson
 - Joseph Kiernan
 - Jim Griffin

The committee structure is designed to make recommendations to the Board; it is not intended to take away a Board member's opportunity to ask questions or to be responsible for the decision-making process.

The Policy Committee is charged with decision making related to:

  • School District policies
  • Involving routine review of current policy
  • Development of new policies
  • Monitoring of state statues impacting District policies

Representatives on Other Committees

NYSSBA Legislative (Advocate) Liaison
 - Joe Kiernan
 - Jim Griffin, Alternate

Representative on the Executive Committee of the Dutchess County School Board Association
 - Amie Fredericks

PPCSD Artifact Committee
 - Fred Couse, Jr.
 - Jim Griffin
 - Claire Copley-Eisenberg

BOE Committee Calendar

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