January 29, 2024
To Parents of Pine Plains Students Signing Up for Sports:
We offer the convenience of online registration for sports through Arbiter Sports, Family ID.
Family ID www.familyID.com now Arbiter Sports, is a secure registration platform that provides you with an easy, user-friendly way to register for sports, and helps us to be more administratively efficient and environmentally responsible. When you register through Family ID, the system keeps track of your information in your Family ID profile.
You will need to register your child on-line for each sport, during the sports season registration dates.
High School Sports: the on-line registration will open on February 12, 2024
Pine Plains High School Sports
JV/Varsity Baseball and Softball
Varsity Spring Track
Unified Basketball
Varsity Boys Tennis
Varsity Girls Golf
Varsity Lacrosse (merge at Red Hook)
Modified Sports Grades 7 and 8 On-line registration will open February 20, 2024
Modified Baseball
Modified Softball
Modified Lacrosse (merge at Red Hook)
Please make sure your child’s physical was given within one year of the start of sports.
Pine Plains High School Sports, JV/Varsity sports try-outs begin March 11, 2024
Pine Plains Middle School Sports, Grades 7 & 8 Modified Sports try-outs begin March 18, 2024
A parent/guardian should register on-line at www.familyID.com
https://www.familyid.com (Arbiter Sports)
Follow these steps:
To find your program, click on the link provided by the Organization above and select the registration form under the word Programs.
Next click on the green Register Now button and scroll, if necessary, to the Create Account/Log In green buttons. If this is your first time using Family ID, click Create Account, click Log In, if you already have a Family ID account.
Create your secure Family ID account by entering the account owner first and last names (parent/guardian), E-mail address and password.
Select I Agree to the Family ID Terms of Service. Click Create Account.
You will receive an email with a link to activate your new account.
If you don’t see the email, check your E-mail filters spam, junk, etc.
Click on the link in your activation E-mail, which will log you in to FamilyID.com.
Once in the registration form, complete the information requested. All fields with a red* are required to have an answer.
Click the Save & Continue button when your form is complete.
Review your registration summary.
Click the green Submit button. After selecting ‘Submit’, the registration will be complete. You will receive a completion email from Family ID confirming your registration.
At any time, you may log in at www.familyID.com to update your information and to check your registration(s).
To view a completed registration, select the 'Registration' tab on the blue bar.
If you need assistance with registration, contact Family ID at: support@familyid.com
or 888-800-5583 x1.
Support is available 7 days per week and messages will be returned promptly.
Thank you. Please contact us with any questions.
Les Funk, Athletic Director
Athletic Department
Pine Plains Central School
518-398-7181 x1366