In order to provide a framework of providing and implementing Academic Intervention Services (AIS), the following is paraphrased/summarized from Part 100.1 Definitions:
- Academic intervention services means additional instruction which supplements the instruction provided in the general education curriculum and assists students in meeting the State learning standards.
- Academic intervention services are intended to assist students who are at risk of not achieving the State learning standards in English language arts, mathematics, social studies and/or science, or who are at risk of not gaining the knowledge and skills needed to meet or exceed designated performance levels on State assessments.
- Academic intervention services are not special education services. AIS services are made available to students with disabilities on the same basis as nondisabled students, provided, however, that such services shall be provided to the extent consistent with the individualized education program (IEP).
The AIS Plan acts as a quality assurance document. Quality assurance for educational purposes incorporates three perspectives:
- How do we help children achieve the NYS standards?
- Which and what type of measurement tools will be used to assure mastery of the material?
- What will we do with those students who have not met the standards?
Multiple assessments / sources will be used to measure student accomplishments of core curricula. Such assessments are not limited to, but may include:
- Developmentally appropriate measures, such as:
- Diagnostic
- Early reading / literacy profiles
- Performances / demonstrations
- Assessment of content skills, concepts, knowledge
- Standardized testing
- Norm-referenced
- Criterion-referenced
- Review of:
- Classroom performance (i.e. participation, homework completion, etc.)
- Report card grades
- Student records
- Classroom observations
- Recommendations from teachers, administrators, counselors, nurses, other school staff, and parents
Response to Intervention (RTI), the practice of providing high-quality instruction and interventions matched to student need, is an integral part of implementing AIS. Student progress is assessed and monitored frequently, in order to make decisions about instruction and student placement in regular education, intervention, and/or special education programs.
RTI is a problem-solving method that leads to data-based decision making. The process includes:
- Defining the problem
- Analyzing why the problem is occurring
- Developing a plan to remediate the problem
- Evaluating whether the plan was successful
The model is based on a three-tiered approach of school supports, addressing academic and/or behavioral issues:
Tier 1 - Core Instructional Interventions (Provided to all students - preventative, proactive)
The PPCSD provides a foundation of curriculum, instruction, and organization that affords all students the opportunity to meet acceptable levels of proficiency. Research-based programs and practices are incorporated into all classroom instruction. Teachers are supported in developing these programs by participating in professional development activities that are aligned to NYS core curriculum and standards. Frequent assessments and screening procedures provide data that measure individual and group performance and guide instruction. This data also helps to identify students who need further intervention.
Tier 2 – Target Group Instruction (Some students at risk – supplemental instruction, short-term)
Instructional Support Teams (IST), formerly called Child Study Teams (CST), have been created at each building as part of a process that enables students to receive additional support when they are having difficulty meeting expectations. Test data, teacher observation, report cards, disciplinary records, parent feedback, and other pertinent information is taken into consideration when determining why a student is not mastering required skills. Students who score below expectations on State testing (ELA, Math, Science and Social Studies for elementary/middle school; Regents exams for high school) are mandated to receive Academic Intervention Services (AIS) for at least one semester after testing has occurred. Intervention recommended is based on sound practices and are usually delivered in small groups. Progress is monitored frequently and instruction is adjusted as needed. Some students will make significant progress (skill growth and/or meeting standards) and will “test out” of intervention services. Other students, who do not make significant progress, will require more intensive support (Tier 3).
Tier 3 – Intensive Instruction (Individual students - high intensity, longer duration)
This model is designed to increase individual student achievement when a student’s response to the instructional practices and services already provided has been minimal. More intensive services could be provided through district remediation programs (AIS), or through special education programs. As well as the data gathered in the Tier 1 and Tier 2 models, individualized testing and evaluation may be further recommended to determine the most appropriate educational program and placement for the student. (RTI Policy Considerations and Implementation, February 2006).
During past years the district has expanded services and programs to children, affording a comprehensive array of interventions. These interventions derive from the expanding use of internal measurement tools and multidisciplinary meetings, such as Instructional Support Teams (IST). The District’s Academic Intervention Plan outlines programs, services, and measurement tools utilized for the students of the Pine Plains Central School District. This plan must be reviewed and re-approved by the Board of Education every two years.
Contact Us
Phone: (518) 398-7181
Fax: (518) 398-6592
Dir. of Curriculum & Instruction
Title IX Coordinator
Ext. 1490
Curriculum Secretary
Ext. 1340
Pine Plains Central School District
2829 Church Street
Pine Plains, NY 12567